Detective Murder Mystery Puzzle

Do you love to play detective and solve mysteries. Here is your chance to play detective. In this picture, one person is murder and all the suspects of this murder are shown in the picture. Can you play detective and find out who is the murderer?

Answer can be viewed by clicking on button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

3 because she has no food in her plate which leads us to think that she just came out from the toilet, and no one would leave their food behind.

Anonymous said...

3 because it happened in the girls restroom

Unknown said...

just because 3 has no food or because it was in the girls washroom doen't mean that it was her a murderer does not care about food or witch bathroom it is in because they are crazy like they want to kill for god sake

Hesbon said...

3 because the murder happened in female washroom

Unknown said...

4 because he doesn't have a knife at his table

TOMMY said...

4, he followed the couple,in whom the lady was murdered

Anonymous said...
