This website is dedicated to puzzles, brainteasers and riddles and online games. Content on this website is frequently promoted on linked social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others.
Now we are looking for guest posts related to the following categories which match with our present content.
Brain Teasers,
Riddles and
Brain Games
No websites/apps/plugin reviews
No link to Google banned sites
No Google Webmaster/AdSense policy violations
No link back to gambling or adult sites
Other guidelines for the guest posts,
The content should be unique and of high quality
It should have minimum 1000 words length
We’ll create or use the royalty-free images that best suit your contents.
We will give you a nofollow backlink in return.
The copyright of the post is vest with us. No future requests for post deletion will be accepted in any situation.
We reserve the rights to edit your post to modify or include the additional information.
If any policy violations found, the content will be removed immediately. No excuses.
If you are ready to proceed, Contact us and share your post ideas first. We will contact you shortly for the full content.
All the best.